01223 Area Code


Area Code 01223 covers Cambridge and the surrounding area.

The majority of numbers in the 01223 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Cambridge, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.

There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 01223 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.

01223 area code information

Area Code: 01223
Location: Cambridge
Call Costs: Normal landline rate
Area code required for local calls: No
Local number length: 6
Number format: 01223 ######
International number format: +44 1223 ######
Last code change: April 1995 from 0223.

Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 01223

(AQ) LIMITED: 01223 793
Alnitak GmbH: 01223 932
Andrews & Arnold (Numbers) Ltd: 01223 318
AQL Wholesale Ltd: 01223 625 01223 750 01223 755
Barritel Limited: 01223 964 01223 831 01223 601
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: 01223 758
BT: 01223 89 01223 374 01223 392 01223 785 01223 409 01223 451 01223 488 01223 833 01223 235 01223 54 01223 849 01223 297 01223 603 01223 322 01223 375 01223 393 01223 786 01223 41 01223 452 01223 834 01223 236 01223 541 01223 866 01223 323 01223 376 01223 394 01223 42 01223 453 01223 819 01223 835 01223 237 01223 542 01223 299 01223 324 01223 377 01223 641 01223 395 01223 454 01223 820 01223 491 01223 836 01223 238 01223 543 01223 30 01223 868 01223 325 01223 378 01223 397 01223 789 01223 431 01223 730 01223 455 01223 821 01223 492 01223 837 01223 24 01223 544 01223 310 01223 326 01223 379 01223 644 01223 432 01223 457 01223 493 01223 838 01223 545 01223 311 01223 87 01223 327 01223 399 01223 433 01223 458 01223 823 01223 494 01223 839 01223 26 01223 548 01223 312 01223 88 01223 328 01223 751 01223 40 01223 434 01223 459 01223 824 01223 20 01223 495 01223 840 01223 27 01223 549 01223 313 01223 880 01223 329 01223 400 01223 435 01223 46 01223 825 01223 21 01223 496 01223 841 01223 55 01223 314 01223 613 01223 881 01223 401 01223 436 01223 810 01223 826 01223 22 01223 497 01223 842 01223 290 01223 315 01223 882 01223 34 01223 4
Ccpro Solutions Limited: 01223 489
Chess Limited: 01223 970
Cloudcall Limited: 01223 978
Colt Technology Services: 01223 865 01223 935 01223 974 01223 606 01223 772 01223 626 01223 645 01223 856 01223 752 01223 942 01223 735 01223 736 01223 982 01223 616 01223 737 01223 983 01223 617 01223 738 01223 482 01223 739 01223 783
Commi Holdings Limited: 01223 960
Connect Telecom UK Limited: 01223 989 01223 980 01223 984 01223 988
Content Guru Limited: 01223 957
Daisy Communications Ltd: 01223 731 01223 732 01223 733
DIDWW Ireland Limited: 01223 931
Digital Mail Limited: 01223 900
Digital Select Limited: 01223 818
Digital Space Group Limited: 01223 906 01223 913
DRD Communications Limited: 01223 611 01223 612
Entanet International Ltd: 01223 945
EVE CONNECT LTD: 01223 629
FleXtel Limited: 01223 927
Fuse 2 Communications Ltd: 01223 788
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: 01223 638 01223 76 01223 972 01223 622 01223 639 01223 802 01223 973 01223 918 01223 803 01223 867 01223 919 01223 804 01223 607 01223 643 01223 805 01223 608 01223 869 01223 806 01223 822 01223 854 01223 609 01223 627 01223 940 01223 807 01223 628 01223 941 01223 808 01223 734 01223 857 01223 33 01223 753 01223 961 01223 981 01223 632 01223 827 01223 65 01223 675 01223 231 01223 930 01223 948 01223 320 01223 620 01223 637 01223 679 01223 800
Gci Network Solutions Limited: 01223 664 01223 633 01223 634 01223 929 01223 636 01223 663
GTT-EMEA LTD: 01223 905
Hello Telecom (UK) Limited: 01223 952
Hyperoptic Ltd: 01223 759
I.T Communications Limited: 01223 317
ICC Networks Ltd: 01223 951
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): 01223 967 01223 987
Invade International Ltd: 01223 923
Invoco Ltd: 01223 904
Invosys Limited: 01223 809
IOVOX Limited: 01223 801 01223 784
Kalnet4U Ltd: 01223 782
KCOM Group Ltd: 01223 986
Liquid 11 Limited: 01223 398
Localphone Limited: 01223 798
Lumen Technologies UK Limited: 01223 770 01223 771 01223 773 01223 775 01223 777
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: 01223 850 01223 851 01223 624 01223 852 01223 853 01223 855 01223 858 01223 631 01223 910 01223 859
Media Hawk Ltd: 01223 754 01223 816
Mi Telecom Limited: 01223 619
Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd: 01223 795
Net-Work Internet Ltd: 01223 794
Nodemax Limited: 01223 917
Number Services Ltd.: 01223 602
Numbergroup Utilities Ltd: 01223 430 01223 954
Numbers Plus Ltd: 01223 958
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: 01223 955
Orange Business Holdings UK Limited: 01223 796 01223 677
Reality Network Services Limited: 01223 922
Redcentric Solutions Limited: 01223 791
Redwood Technologies Ltd: 01223 787
Resilient PLC: 01223 799
Served Up Limited: 01223 933 01223 936 01223 937 01223 938 01223 774 01223 939
Simwood eSMS Limited: 01223 901
SiPalto Ltd: 01223 757
Six Degrees Technology Group Limited: 01223 920
Sky UK Limited: 01223 817 01223 604 01223 490 01223 975 01223 956 01223 977 01223 630 01223 943 01223 779 01223 676 01223 635 01223 678
Spitfire Network Services Limited: 01223 907
Syntec Limited: 01223 780
TalkTalk Communications Limited: 01223 665 01223 666 01223 667 01223 668 01223 669 01223 778 01223 660 01223 971
Telappliant Limited: 01223 621
Telecom2 Limited: 01223 916
TelNG Limited: 01223 797
TelXL Ltd: 01223 915
TGL Services (UK) Ltd: 01223 670 01223 671 01223 672 01223 673 01223 674
TTNC Limited: 01223 902 01223 914
Twilio Ireland Limited: 01223 912
Verizon UK Limited: 01223 38 01223 381 01223 382 01223 383 01223 384 01223 385 01223 388 01223 389
Virgin Media Limited: 01223 69 01223 70 01223 71 01223 72 01223 12 01223 16 01223 47 01223 56 01223 57 01223 50 01223 51 01223 74 01223 52
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): 01223 623 01223 640 01223 25 01223 646 01223 647 01223 924 01223 28 01223 909 01223 648 01223 649 01223 911 01223 58 01223 946 01223 968 01223 59 01223 947 01223 969 01223 600
Voiceflex Limited: 01223 792 01223 439 01223 949
VoiceHost Limited: 01223 921 01223 776
VoIP-Un Limited: 01223 903
Vonage Business Limited: 01223 298
Voxbone SA: 01223 081 01223 082 01223 083 01223 084 01223 085 01223 976 01223 790 01223 08 01223 080
Windsor Telecom Ltd: 01223 979
YayYay Limited: 01223 944
Ziron Limited: 01223 953

This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.