01226 Area Code


Area Code 01226 covers Barnsley and the surrounding area.

The majority of numbers in the 01226 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Barnsley, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.

There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 01226 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.

01226 area code information

Area Code: 01226
Location: Barnsley
Call Costs: Normal landline rate
Area code required for local calls: No
Local number length: 6
Number format: 01226 ######
International number format: +44 1226 ######
Last code change: April 1995 from 0226.

Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 01226

(AQ) LIMITED: 01226 813
Adepteo Limited: 01226 986
Alnitak GmbH: 01226 980
Andrews & Arnold (Numbers) Ltd: 01226 871
Antheus Telecom Limited: 01226 335
AQL Wholesale Ltd: 01226 61
Atomstream Limited: 01226 892
Barritel Limited: 01226 42 01226 420 01226 421 01226 422 01226 425 01226 985 01226 887 01226 974
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: 01226 658
Bicom Systems EURL: 01226 415
Bink Networks Ltd: 01226 595
BT: 01226 26 01226 323 01226 350 01226 375 01226 702 01226 784 01226 511 01226 270 01226 324 01226 351 01226 376 01226 704 01226 785 01226 809 01226 512 01226 271 01226 325 01226 352 01226 377 01226 705 01226 786 01226 83 01226 513 01226 272 01226 327 01226 654 01226 353 01226 378 01226 706 01226 787 01226 84 01226 514 01226 592 01226 273 01226 329 01226 354 01226 379 01226 707 01226 790 01226 85 01226 515 01226 593 01226 274 01226 355 01226 38 01226 709 01226 791 01226 24 01226 275 01226 356 01226 39 01226 71 01226 792 01226 276 01226 360 01226 72 01226 794 01226 277 01226 361 01226 73 01226 799 01226 28 01226 661 01226 362 01226 74 01226 29 01226 363 01226 75 01226 20 01226 970 01226 663 01226 365 01226 76 01226 931 01226 369 01226 77 01226 320 01226 370 01226 780 01226 321 01226 371 01226 700 01226 781 01226 322 01226 34 01226 372 01226 701 01226 782
Buzz Networks Limited: 01226 885
Ccpro Solutions Limited: 01226 955
CFL Communications Ltd: 01226 880
Citrus Telecommunications Ltd: 01226 40
Colt Technology Services: 01226 978 01226 596 01226 694
Commi Holdings Limited: 01226 806
Content Guru Limited: 01226 498
Dial 9 Communications Limited: 01226 650
DIDWW Ireland Limited: 01226 652
Digital Mail Limited: 01226 804
Digital Space Group Limited: 01226 815 01226 817 01226 913
Digitech Solutions Global Limited: 01226 590
DRD Communications Limited: 01226 900 01226 901
Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited: 01226 877
Easynet Enterprise Services Limited: 01226 53
Entanet International Ltd: 01226 330
EVE CONNECT LTD: 01226 339
FleXtel Limited: 01226 47
Fuse 2 Communications Ltd: 01226 957 01226 106
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: 01226 668 01226 446 01226 447 01226 448 01226 449 01226 898 01226 657 01226 982 01226 107 01226 695 01226 337 01226 664 01226 666 01226 444 01226 445
Gci Network Solutions Limited: 01226 225 01226 976 01226 226 01226 227 01226 67 01226 228 01226 229 01226 332 01226 333 01226 883 01226 334 01226 221 01226 222 01226 223 01226 224
GTT-EMEA LTD: 01226 539 01226 530 01226 531 01226 532 01226 533 01226 534 01226 535 01226 536 01226 537 01226 538
Hello Telecom (UK) Limited: 01226 493
I.T Communications Limited: 01226 989
ICC Networks Ltd: 01226 416
ICUK Computing Services Limited: 01226 655
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): 01226 827
Internexus Networks Limited: 01226 411
Invade International Ltd: 01226 50
Invoco Ltd: 01226 979
Invosys Limited: 01226 101
IOVOX Limited: 01226 987 01226 417
IP Voice Networks Ltd: 01226 105
IP Wholesale Limited: 01226 599
IPV6 Limited: 01226 829
IV Response Limited: 01226 55
Kalnet4U Ltd: 01226 952
KCOM Group Ltd: 01226 665
Lanonyx Telecom Limited: 01226 975
Linear Telecoms Limited: 01226 410
Localphone Limited: 01226 810
M247 Ltd: 01226 894
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: 01226 690 01226 691 01226 693 01226 696 01226 697 01226 698 01226 699
Mars Communications Limited: 01226 870
Media Hawk Ltd: 01226 951
Mi Telecom Limited: 01226 662
Minotaur Telecom Limited: 01226 954
Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd: 01226 816
Net-Work Internet Ltd: 01226 822
Nexbridge Communications Limited: 01226 988
Nexus Telecommunications Limited: 01226 873
NFON UK Ltd: 01226 103
Nodemax Limited: 01226 821
Number Services Ltd.: 01226 100
Numbergroup Utilities Ltd: 01226 888
Numbers Plus Ltd: 01226 932
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: 01226 882
Orbtalk Limited: 01226 413
Redcentric Solutions Limited: 01226 31
Redwood Technologies Ltd: 01226 977
Resilient PLC: 01226 973
Served Up Limited: 01226 966 01226 967
Simwood eSMS Limited: 01226 414
SiPalto Ltd: 01226 660
Six Degrees Technology Group Limited: 01226 574
Sky UK Limited: 01226 419 01226 828 01226 893 01226 953 01226 653 01226 897 01226 956 01226 981 01226 958 01226 983 01226 492 01226 984 01226 800 01226 930 01226 495 01226 889 01226 338 01226 972 01226 950 01226 418
Solutios Limited: 01226 825
Spitfire Network Services Limited: 01226 807
Syntec Limited: 01226 52
TalkTalk Communications Limited: 01226 872 01226 896 01226 102 01226 692 01226 491 01226 971 01226 496 01226 824 01226 497 01226 934 01226 805 01226 891
Telappliant Limited: 01226 331
Telecom2 Limited: 01226 819
Telecoms World PLC: 01226 874
TelNG Limited: 01226 803
TELNYX UK LIMITED: 01226 594 01226 667
TelXL Ltd: 01226 820
TGL Services (UK) Ltd: 01226 68 01226 45
TTNC Limited: 01226 92
Tuxtel Ltd: 01226 802
Vectone Mobile Limited: 01226 878
Verizon UK Limited: 01226 881
Virgin Media Limited: 01226 609 01226 620 01226 629 01226 23 01226 431 01226 640 01226 432 01226 643 01226 433 01226 644 01226 434 01226 14 01226 601 01226 645 01226 435 01226 801 01226 602 01226 646 01226 436 01226 21 01226 603 01226 647 01226 437 01226 604 01226 648 01226 438 01226 605 01226 649 01226 606
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): 01226 669 01226 630 01226 638 01226 860 01226 639 01226 861 01226 250 01226 862 01226 251 01226 863 01226 252 01226 864 01226 253 01226 865 01226 254 01226 30 01226 866 01226 255 01226 867 01226 256 01226 868 01226 257 01226 869 01226 258
Voiceflex Limited: 01226 812
VoiceHost Limited: 01226 490
VoIP-Un Limited: 01226 814
Voxbone SA: 01226 818
Windsor Telecom Ltd: 01226 890
XoverX Ltd: 01226 959
YayYay Limited: 01226 899
Zapappi Ltd: 01226 336
Ziron Limited: 01226 494

This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.