01282 Area Code
Area Code 01282 covers Burnley and the surrounding area.
The majority of numbers in the 01282 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Burnley, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.
There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 01282 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.
01282 area code information
Area Code: | 01282 |
Location: | Burnley |
Call Costs: | Normal landline rate |
Area code required for local calls: | No |
Local number length: | 6 |
Number format: | 01282 ###### |
International number format: | +44 1282 ###### |
Last code change: | April 1995 from 0282. |
Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 01282
(AQ) LIMITED: | 01282 334 |
Adepteo Limited: | 01282 523 |
Alnitak GmbH: | 01282 528 |
Andrews & Arnold (Numbers) Ltd: | 01282 901 |
API Telecom Limited: | 01282 218 |
AQL Wholesale Ltd: | 01282 57 |
Atomstream Limited: | 01282 913 |
Barritec Limited: | 01282 213 |
Barritel Limited: | 01282 385 |
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: | 01282 958 |
Bicom Systems EURL: | 01282 217 |
Bink Networks Ltd: | 01282 944 |
BT: | 01282 930 01282 45 01282 61 01282 87 01282 46 01282 47 01282 968 01282 17 01282 940 01282 941 01282 81 01282 41 01282 942 01282 66 01282 83 01282 42 01282 943 01282 67 01282 84 01282 43 01282 68 01282 77 01282 85 01282 44 01282 965 01282 60 01282 69 01282 86 |
Buzz Networks Limited: | 01282 914 |
Calltracks Limited: | 01282 935 01282 520 01282 539 01282 919 01282 524 |
Ccpro Solutions Limited: | 01282 346 |
CFL Communications Ltd: | 01282 905 |
Citrus Telecommunications Ltd: | 01282 48 |
Colt Technology Services: | 01282 937 01282 525 01282 964 |
Commi Holdings Limited: | 01282 339 |
Content Guru Limited: | 01282 341 |
Core Telecom Limited: | 01282 920 |
Dial 9 Communications Limited: | 01282 960 |
DIDWW Ireland Limited: | 01282 951 |
Digital Space Group Limited: | 01282 388 01282 330 01282 583 |
Digitech Solutions Global Limited: | 01282 210 01282 916 |
Entanet International Ltd: | 01282 223 |
EVE CONNECT LTD: | 01282 226 |
FleXtel Limited: | 01282 20 |
Fuse 2 Communications Ltd: | 01282 224 01282 933 |
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: | 01282 966 01282 967 01282 911 01282 969 01282 227 01282 953 01282 50 01282 526 |
Gci Network Solutions Limited: | 01282 881 01282 882 01282 883 01282 884 01282 888 01282 55 01282 909 |
Hello Telecom (UK) Limited: | 01282 342 |
I.T Communications Limited: | 01282 532 |
ICC Networks Ltd: | 01282 348 |
ICUK Computing Services Limited: | 01282 959 |
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): | 01282 902 |
Internexus Networks Limited: | 01282 214 |
Invade International Ltd: | 01282 383 |
Invoco Ltd: | 01282 212 |
Invosys Limited: | 01282 925 |
IOVOX Limited: | 01282 536 01282 344 01282 522 |
IP Voice Networks Ltd: | 01282 221 |
IP Wholesale Limited: | 01282 949 |
IPV6 Limited: | 01282 387 |
Kalnet4U Ltd: | 01282 932 |
KCOM Group Ltd: | 01282 963 |
Lanonyx Telecom Limited: | 01282 530 |
Linear Telecoms Limited: | 01282 510 |
Liquid 11 Limited: | 01282 938 |
Localphone Limited: | 01282 36 |
M247 Ltd: | 01282 535 |
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: | 01282 790 01282 791 01282 792 01282 795 01282 797 01282 798 01282 799 |
Mars Communications Limited: | 01282 900 |
Media Hawk Ltd: | 01282 347 |
Mi Telecom Limited: | 01282 961 |
Minotaur Telecom Limited: | 01282 927 |
Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd: | 01282 389 |
Net-Work Internet Ltd: | 01282 336 |
Nexbridge Communications Limited: | 01282 929 |
Nexus Telecommunications Limited: | 01282 910 |
NFON UK Ltd: | 01282 945 |
Nodemax Limited: | 01282 331 |
Number Services Ltd.: | 01282 529 |
Numbergroup Utilities Ltd: | 01282 921 |
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: | 01282 908 |
Orange Business Holdings UK Limited: | 01282 956 |
Orbtalk Limited: | 01282 211 |
Redcentric Solutions Limited: | 01282 40 |
Redwood Technologies Ltd: | 01282 934 |
Resilient PLC: | 01282 390 01282 399 |
Served Up Limited: | 01282 494 01282 495 |
Simwood eSMS Limited: | 01282 216 |
SiPalto Ltd: | 01282 962 |
Six Degrees Technology Group Limited: | 01282 560 01282 564 |
Sky UK Limited: | 01282 225 01282 952 01282 534 01282 537 01282 521 01282 54 |
Solutios Limited: | 01282 384 |
Spitfire Network Services Limited: | 01282 377 |
Suretec Systems Ltd: | 01282 917 |
Syntec Limited: | 01282 28 |
TalkTalk Communications Limited: | 01282 787 01282 931 01282 788 01282 950 01282 789 01282 337 01282 338 01282 229 01282 345 01282 219 01282 220 01282 786 |
Telappliant Limited: | 01282 918 |
Telecom2 Limited: | 01282 386 |
Telecoms World PLC: | 01282 903 |
TeleWare Group Limited: | 01282 906 |
TelNG Limited: | 01282 30 |
TELNYX UK LIMITED: | 01282 946 |
TGL Services (UK) Ltd: | 01282 29 |
TTNC Limited: | 01282 27 |
Vectone Mobile Limited: | 01282 904 |
Verizon UK Limited: | 01282 31 |
Virgin Media Limited: | 01282 70 01282 620 01282 71 01282 621 01282 72 01282 622 01282 731 01282 623 01282 733 01282 628 01282 736 01282 629 01282 630 |
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): | 01282 75 01282 89 01282 760 01282 239 01282 644 01282 761 01282 648 01282 762 01282 650 01282 763 01282 80 01282 657 01282 764 01282 765 01282 766 |
Voiceflex Limited: | 01282 332 |
VoiceHost Limited: | 01282 222 |
VoIP-Un Limited: | 01282 335 |
Vonage Business Limited: | 01282 936 |
Voxbone SA: | 01282 380 |
Windsor Telecom Ltd: | 01282 922 |
X-on Health Limited: | 01282 349 |
XoverX Ltd: | 01282 939 |
YayYay Limited: | 01282 531 |
Zapappi Ltd: | 01282 228 |
Ziron Limited: | 01282 340 |
This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.