01483 Area Code


Area Code 01483 covers Guildford and the surrounding area.

The majority of numbers in the 01483 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Guildford, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.

There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 01483 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.

01483 area code information

Area Code: 01483
Location: Guildford
Call Costs: Normal landline rate
Area code required for local calls: No
Local number length: 6
Number format: 01483 ######
International number format: +44 1483 ######
Last code change: April 1995 from 0483.

Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 01483

(AQ) LIMITED: 01483 312
8x8 UK Limited: 01483 362
Alnitak GmbH: 01483 911
Andrews & Arnold (Numbers) Ltd: 01483 347
API Telecom Limited: 01483 396
AQL Wholesale Ltd: 01483 912 01483 608 01483 802
Barritel Limited: 01483 334
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: 01483 950
BT: 01483 45 01483 74 01483 502 01483 52 01483 962 01483 671 01483 891 01483 46 01483 75 01483 503 01483 520 01483 30 01483 892 01483 47 01483 76 01483 504 01483 521 01483 893 01483 48 01483 77 01483 505 01483 522 01483 981 01483 894 01483 70 01483 506 01483 86 01483 523 01483 898 01483 700 01483 79 01483 508 01483 951 01483 524 01483 899 01483 701 01483 51 01483 526 01483 702 01483 510 01483 20 01483 527 01483 662 01483 703 01483 511 01483 21 01483 528 01483 705 01483 920 01483 513 01483 22 01483 529 01483 971 01483 706 01483 921 01483 514 01483 23 01483 53 01483 40 01483 707 01483 515 01483 54 01483 973 01483 41 01483 709 01483 923 01483 516 01483 958 01483 55 01483 906 01483 42 01483 71 01483 50 01483 941 01483 517 01483 26 01483 56 01483 72 01483 500 01483 518 01483 27 01483 57 01483 976 01483 669 01483 89 01483 44 01483 73 01483 501 01483 81 01483 519 01483 28 01483 890
Budget Numbers Limited: 01483 666
Buzz Networks Limited: 01483 363
Calltracks Limited: 01483 367 01483 916
Ccpro Solutions Limited: 01483 611
Chess Limited: 01483 606
Colt Technology Services: 01483 672 01483 983 01483 900 01483 935 01483 936 01483 954 01483 903 01483 357 01483 974 01483 943 01483 616 01483 926 01483 961 01483 977 01483 909
Commi Holdings Limited: 01483 321
Connect Telecom UK Limited: 01483 650
Content Guru Limited: 01483 498
Core Telecom Limited: 01483 371
Daisy Communications Ltd: 01483 601 01483 602 01483 603
DIDWW Ireland Limited: 01483 928
Digital Mail Limited: 01483 320
Digital Select Limited: 01483 929
Digital Space Group Limited: 01483 316 01483 332 01483 801
DRD Communications Limited: 01483 658
EVE CONNECT LTD: 01483 939
FleXtel Limited: 01483 697
Fuse 2 Communications Ltd: 01483 615
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: 01483 927 01483 600 01483 366 01483 910 01483 947 01483 963 01483 979 01483 948 01483 964 01483 930 01483 931 01483 966 01483 982 01483 675 01483 934 01483 968 01483 661 01483 917 01483 352 01483 375 01483 678 01483 901 01483 397 01483 970 01483 663 01483 679 01483 937 01483 956 01483 957 01483 339 01483 940 01483 340 01483 924 01483 959 01483 361 01483 668 01483 617 01483 670
Gci Network Solutions Limited: 01483 698 01483 699 01483 949 01483 676 01483 494 01483 938 01483 667 01483 651
GTT-EMEA LTD: 01483 696
Hello Telecom (UK) Limited: 01483 391
I.T Communications Limited: 01483 919
ICC Networks Ltd: 01483 398
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): 01483 338
Infinity Tracking Ltd: 01483 945 01483 944
Internexus Networks Limited: 01483 392
Invade International Ltd: 01483 350
Invoco Ltd: 01483 387
Invosys Limited: 01483 369
IOVOX Limited: 01483 491 01483 665
IP Wholesale Limited: 01483 380
Kalnet4U Ltd: 01483 323
KCOM Group Ltd: 01483 978
Localphone Limited: 01483 325
Lumen Technologies UK Limited: 01483 326 01483 803 01483 804 01483 805 01483 344
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: 01483 604 01483 331 01483 953 01483 610 01483 355 01483 378 01483 342
Media Hawk Ltd: 01483 619 01483 914 01483 390 01483 969
Mi Telecom Limited: 01483 965
Minotaur Telecom Limited: 01483 381
Net-Work Internet Ltd: 01483 333
Nodemax Limited: 01483 318
Number Services Ltd.: 01483 922
Numbergroup Utilities Ltd: 01483 377
Numbers Plus Ltd: 01483 386
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: 01483 345 01483 915
Orange Business Holdings UK Limited: 01483 327
Orbtalk Limited: 01483 388
Phone Co-Op Numbering Limited: 01483 349
Reality Network Services Limited: 01483 652
Redcentric Solutions Limited: 01483 908
Redwood Technologies Ltd: 01483 660
Resilient PLC: 01483 329
Sark Telecom B.V.: 01483 373
Served Up Limited: 01483 336
Simwood eSMS Limited: 01483 904
SiPalto Ltd: 01483 955
Six Degrees Technology Group Limited: 01483 654
Sky UK Limited: 01483 618 01483 328 01483 673 01483 913 01483 674 01483 389 01483 490 01483 800 01483 374 01483 493 01483 972 01483 612 01483 379 01483 613 01483 614 01483 382 01483 925 01483 960
Spitfire Network Services Limited: 01483 806
Syntec Limited: 01483 607
TalkTalk Communications Limited: 01483 346 01483 313 01483 952 01483 351 01483 495 01483 664 01483 496 01483 497 01483 808 01483 385
Telappliant Limited: 01483 932
Telecom2 Limited: 01483 317
Telecoms World PLC: 01483 348
TelNG Limited: 01483 324
TelXL Ltd: 01483 695
TGL Services (UK) Ltd: 01483 907
TTNC Limited: 01483 677 01483 905
Twilio Ireland Limited: 01483 967 01483 694
Vectone Mobile Limited: 01483 353
Verizon UK Limited: 01483 690 01483 358 01483 691 01483 692 01483 693
Virgin Media Limited: 01483 82 01483 83 01483 84 01483 630 01483 85 01483 631 01483 632 01483 87 01483 633 01483 88 01483 00 01483 634 01483 635 01483 636 01483 637 01483 68 01483 638 01483 639 01483 807 01483 59
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): 01483 29 01483 653 01483 655 01483 656 01483 78 01483 315 01483 902 01483 24 01483 25 01483 64 01483 43
Voiceflex Limited: 01483 310 01483 988
VoiceHost Limited: 01483 322
VoIP-Un Limited: 01483 330
Vonage Business Limited: 01483 343
Voxbone SA: 01483 980 01483 319 01483 975
Windsor Telecom Ltd: 01483 370
YayYay Limited: 01483 399
Ziron Limited: 01483 492

This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.