015395 Area Code
Area Code 015395 covers Grange-over-Sands and the surrounding area.
The majority of numbers in the 015395 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Grange-over-Sands, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.
There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 015395 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.
015395 area code information
Area Code: | 015395 |
Location: | Grange-over-Sands |
Call Costs: | Normal landline rate |
Area code required for local calls: | No |
Local number length: | 5 |
Number format: | 0 |
International number format: | +44 |
Last code change: | April 1995 from 05395. |
Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 015395
Adepteo Limited: | 015395 221 |
Alnitak GmbH: | 015395 223 |
AQL Wholesale Ltd: | 015395 84 |
Barritel Limited: | 015395 88 |
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: | 015395 968 |
Bink Networks Ltd: | 015395 969 |
BT: | 015395 226 015395 5 015395 6 015395 3 |
Colt Technology Services: | 015395 220 |
Dial 9 Communications Limited: | 015395 425 |
DIDWW Ireland Limited: | 015395 424 |
Digital Space Group Limited: | 015395 85 015395 89 |
EVE CONNECT LTD: | 015395 420 |
FleXtel Limited: | 015395 77 |
Fuse 2 Communications Ltd: | 015395 429 |
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: | 015395 87 |
Gci Network Solutions Limited: | 015395 40 015395 41 |
I.T Communications Limited: | 015395 225 |
ICUK Computing Services Limited: | 015395 428 |
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): | 015395 215 |
Invoco Ltd: | 015395 217 |
Invosys Limited: | 015395 224 |
IOVOX Limited: | 015395 214 015395 91 015395 216 |
IP Voice Networks Ltd: | 015395 422 |
IP Wholesale Limited: | 015395 961 |
Kalnet4U Ltd: | 015395 222 |
KCOM Group Ltd: | 015395 965 |
Localphone Limited: | 015395 73 |
M247 Ltd: | 015395 218 |
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: | 015395 20 015395 23 015395 25 015395 28 |
Media Hawk Ltd: | 015395 212 |
Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd: | 015395 81 |
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: | 015395 219 |
Reality Network Services Limited: | 015395 966 |
Simwood eSMS Limited: | 015395 211 |
SiPalto Ltd: | 015395 426 |
Sky UK Limited: | 015395 427 015395 971 015395 213 015395 960 015395 962 015395 963 015395 964 |
Spitfire Network Services Limited: | 015395 78 |
Syntec Limited: | 015395 74 |
TalkTalk Communications Limited: | 015395 83 015395 210 015395 92 |
TelNG Limited: | 015395 72 |
TTNC Limited: | 015395 76 |
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): | 015395 967 015395 970 015395 421 |
Voiceflex Limited: | 015395 80 |
VoIP-Un Limited: | 015395 82 |
Voxbone SA: | 015395 86 |
YayYay Limited: | 015395 90 |
Zapappi Ltd: | 015395 227 |
This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.