01634 Area Code


Area Code 01634 covers Medway and the surrounding area.

The majority of numbers in the 01634 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Medway, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.

There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 01634 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.

01634 area code information

Area Code: 01634
Location: Medway
Call Costs: Normal landline rate
Area code required for local calls: No
Local number length: 6
Number format: 01634 ######
International number format: +44 1634 ######
Last code change: April 1995 from 0634.

Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 01634

(AQ) LIMITED: 01634 621
Adepteo Limited: 01634 958
Andrews & Arnold (Numbers) Ltd: 01634 767
API Telecom Limited: 01634 213
AQL Wholesale Ltd: 01634 54
Atomstream Limited: 01634 908
Barritel Limited: 01634 622
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: 01634 978
Bicom Systems EURL: 01634 211
Bink Networks Ltd: 01634 988
BT: 01634 73 01634 27 01634 791 01634 369 01634 28 01634 792 01634 37 01634 57 01634 20 01634 29 01634 793 01634 38 01634 58 01634 799 01634 39 01634 49 01634 553 01634 40 01634 81 01634 963 01634 66 01634 82 01634 559 01634 67 01634 360 01634 83 01634 68 01634 982 01634 361 01634 84 01634 22 01634 362 01634 85 01634 931 01634 23 01634 363 01634 86 01634 985 01634 24 01634 364 01634 71 01634 25 01634 365 01634 88 01634 72 01634 26 01634 790 01634 366 01634 89
Buzz Networks Limited: 01634 907
Calltracks Limited: 01634 911
Ccpro Solutions Limited: 01634 928
CFL Communications Ltd: 01634 901
Colt Technology Services: 01634 477 01634 984 01634 766
Commi Holdings Limited: 01634 43
Content Guru Limited: 01634 922
Dial 9 Communications Limited: 01634 966
DIDWW Ireland Limited: 01634 971
Digital Space Group Limited: 01634 625 01634 750
Digitech Solutions Global Limited: 01634 909
DRD Communications Limited: 01634 550 01634 551
EVE CONNECT LTD: 01634 962
FleXtel Limited: 01634 65
Fuse 2 Communications Ltd: 01634 478 01634 935
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: 01634 567 01634 568 01634 973 01634 957 01634 974 01634 975 01634 959 01634 976 01634 961 01634 557 01634 979 01634 558 01634 560 01634 471 01634 561 01634 562 01634 968 01634 563 01634 949 01634 969 01634 564 01634 565 01634 566
Gci Network Solutions Limited: 01634 624 01634 420 01634 472 01634 934
Hello Telecom (UK) Limited: 01634 508
I.T Communications Limited: 01634 955
ICC Networks Ltd: 01634 214
ICUK Computing Services Limited: 01634 554
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): 01634 757
Internexus Networks Limited: 01634 504
Invade International Ltd: 01634 751
Invoco Ltd: 01634 218
Invosys Limited: 01634 917
IOVOX Limited: 01634 989 01634 215
IP Voice Networks Ltd: 01634 479
IP Wholesale Limited: 01634 919
IPV6 Limited: 01634 765
Kalnet4U Ltd: 01634 926
KCOM Group Ltd: 01634 987
Linear Telecoms Limited: 01634 210
Localphone Limited: 01634 620
Lumen Technologies UK Limited: 01634 800 01634 803 01634 809
M247 UK LIMITED: 01634 942
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: 01634 770 01634 771 01634 775 01634 776 01634 777 01634 778 01634 779
Mars Communications Limited: 01634 764
Media Hawk Ltd: 01634 925 01634 986
Mi Telecom Limited: 01634 977
Minotaur Telecom Limited: 01634 509
Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd: 01634 629
Net-Work Internet Ltd: 01634 755
Nexbridge Communications Limited: 01634 918
Nexus Telecommunications Limited: 01634 905
NFON UK Ltd: 01634 476
Nodemax Limited: 01634 752
Number Services Ltd.: 01634 474
Numbergroup Utilities Ltd: 01634 507
Numbers Plus Ltd: 01634 501
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: 01634 930
Orange Business Holdings UK Limited: 01634 945
Orbital Net Limited: 01634 900 01634 502
Orbtalk Limited: 01634 500
Planet Numbers Ltd: 01634 626
Redcentric Solutions Limited: 01634 41
Redwood Technologies Ltd: 01634 933
Resilient PLC: 01634 690 01634 699
Served Up Limited: 01634 759
Simwood eSMS Limited: 01634 912
Six Degrees Technology Group Limited: 01634 524 01634 525 01634 529
Sky UK Limited: 01634 972 01634 920 01634 936 01634 956 01634 937 01634 938 01634 923 01634 939 01634 924 01634 610 01634 960 01634 941 01634 611 01634 612 01634 927 01634 943 01634 613 01634 216 01634 614 01634 615 01634 616 01634 967 01634 948 01634 952 01634 953
Solutios Limited: 01634 761
Spitfire Network Services Limited: 01634 707
Suretec Systems Ltd: 01634 910
Syntec Limited: 01634 74
TalkTalk Communications Limited: 01634 921 01634 753 01634 964 01634 470 01634 780 01634 786 01634 763 01634 787 01634 932 01634 788 01634 789 01634 475
Telappliant Limited: 01634 914
Telecom2 Limited: 01634 754
Telecoms World Direct Ltd: 01634 768
TelNG Limited: 01634 59
TGL Services (UK) Ltd: 01634 34
TTNC Limited: 01634 51
Twilio Ireland Limited: 01634 980
Vectone Mobile Limited: 01634 902
Verizon UK Limited: 01634 903
Virgin Media Limited: 01634 30 01634 31 01634 32 01634 33 01634 35 01634 946 01634 947
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): 01634 628 01634 64 01634 45 01634 87
Voiceflex Limited: 01634 623
VoiceHost Limited: 01634 505
VoIP-Un Limited: 01634 627
Vonage Business Limited: 01634 940
Voxbone SA: 01634 756 01634 981 01634 983
Wifinity Limited: 01634 769
Windsor Telecom Ltd: 01634 913
XoverX Ltd: 01634 929
YayYay Limited: 01634 944
Zapappi Ltd: 01634 473
Ziron Limited: 01634 217

This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.