01642 Area Code


Area Code 01642 covers Middlesbrough and the surrounding area.

The majority of numbers in the 01642 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Middlesbrough, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.

There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 01642 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.

01642 area code information

Area Code: 01642
Location: Middlesbrough
Call Costs: Normal landline rate
Area code required for local calls: Yes
Local number length: 6
Number format: 01642 ######
International number format: +44 1642 ######
Last code change: April 1995 from 0642.

Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 01642

(AQ) LIMITED: 01642 840
Andrews & Arnold (Numbers) Ltd: 01642 925
AQL Wholesale Ltd: 01642 133 01642 688
Barritec Limited: 01642 920
Barritel Limited: 01642 906 01642 908
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: 01642 538
BT: 01642 208 01642 547 01642 225 01642 59 01642 77 01642 25 01642 634 01642 814 01642 302 01642 327 01642 379 01642 530 01642 710 01642 209 01642 226 01642 601 01642 78 01642 260 01642 635 01642 815 01642 303 01642 669 01642 850 01642 328 01642 442 01642 531 01642 711 01642 210 01642 227 01642 602 01642 790 01642 261 01642 636 01642 816 01642 304 01642 67 01642 851 01642 39 01642 443 01642 532 01642 712 01642 211 01642 55 01642 228 01642 603 01642 791 01642 262 01642 637 01642 817 01642 305 01642 852 01642 40 01642 444 01642 533 01642 713 01642 212 01642 56 01642 604 01642 792 01642 263 01642 638 01642 818 01642 306 01642 853 01642 41 01642 446 01642 534 01642 714 01642 213 01642 570 01642 230 01642 605 01642 793 01642 264 01642 639 01642 819 01642 854 01642 447 01642 134 01642 535 01642 715 01642 214 01642 571 01642 231 01642 606 01642 794 01642 82 01642 308 01642 855 01642 36 01642 050 01642 700 01642 536 01642 717 01642 216 01642 572 01642 232 01642 607 01642 795 01642 266 01642 309 01642 856 01642 035 01642 370 01642 051 01642 701 01642 718 01642 217 01642 233 01642 608 01642 796 01642 267 01642 660 01642 31 01642 858 01642 01
Calltracks Limited: 01642 032 01642 081
Ccpro Solutions Limited: 01642 950
Colt Technology Services: 01642 044 01642 062 01642 064 01642 448 01642 716 01642 449 01642 721
Content Guru Limited: 01642 976
Daisy Communications Ltd: 01642 421 01642 422 01642 423
DIDWW Ireland Limited: 01642 088
Digital Mail Limited: 01642 696
Digital Space Group Limited: 01642 742 01642 844
DRD Communications Limited: 01642 955 01642 425
Entanet International Ltd: 01642 086
EVE CONNECT LTD: 01642 039
FleXtel Limited: 01642 698
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: 01642 726 01642 668 01642 061 01642 548 01642 727 01642 045 01642 130 01642 549 01642 728 01642 030 01642 046 01642 680 01642 729 01642 927 01642 065 01642 967 01642 033 01642 049 01642 265 01642 929 01642 931 01642 573 01642 987 01642 915 01642 424 01642 720 01642 937 01642 630 01642 056 01642 087
Gci Network Solutions Limited: 01642 694 01642 695 01642 132 01642 699 01642 936 01642 690 01642 692 01642 693
GTT-EMEA LTD: 01642 681
Hello Telecom (UK) Limited: 01642 978
Hyperoptic Ltd: 01642 052
I.T Communications Limited: 01642 066
ICC Networks Ltd: 01642 969
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): 01642 903
Infinity Tracking Ltd: 01642 036 01642 037
Invade International Ltd: 01642 847
Invoco Ltd: 01642 921
Invosys Limited: 01642 085
IOVOX Limited: 01642 966 01642 048
IP Voice Networks Ltd: 01642 089
Kalnet4U Ltd: 01642 983
KCOM Group Ltd: 01642 055
Liquid 11 Limited: 01642 942
Localphone Limited: 01642 914
Lumen Technologies UK Limited: 01642 962 01642 743 01642 744
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: 01642 924 01642 034 01642 988 01642 918 01642 919
Media Hawk Ltd: 01642 981 01642 060
Minotaur Telecom Limited: 01642 977
Mintaka Limited: 01642 068
Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd: 01642 900
Net-Work Internet Ltd: 01642 848
Nodemax Limited: 01642 849
Number Services Ltd.: 01642 082
Numbergroup Utilities Ltd: 01642 946
Numbers Plus Ltd: 01642 980
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: 01642 938
Orange Business Holdings UK Limited: 01642 979
Redcentric Solutions Limited: 01642 426
Redwood Technologies Ltd: 01642 268
Resilient PLC: 01642 749
Served Up Limited: 01642 907
Simwood eSMS Limited: 01642 989
SiPalto Ltd: 01642 429
Six Degrees Technology Group Limited: 01642 683
Sky UK Limited: 01642 441 01642 945 01642 963 01642 063 01642 964 01642 982 01642 047 01642 229 01642 949 01642 740 01642 984 01642 968 01642 985 01642 951 01642 986 01642 952 01642 080 01642 719 01642 972 01642 974 01642 689 01642 957 01642 975 01642 237 01642 958 01642 238 01642 691 01642 959 01642 960 01642 043 01642 709
Spitfire Network Services Limited: 01642 697
Syntec Limited: 01642 948
TalkTalk Communications Limited: 01642 329 01642 965 01642 031 01642 909 01642 307 01642 913 01642 973 01642 269 01642 038 01642 956 01642 083 01642 810 01642 041 01642 941 01642 205 01642 901 01642 961
Telappliant Limited: 01642 131
Telecom2 Limited: 01642 846
Telecoms World Direct Ltd: 01642 926
TeleWare Group Limited: 01642 923
TelNG Limited: 01642 748
TelXL Ltd: 01642 684
TGL Services (UK) Ltd: 01642 428
TTNC Limited: 01642 685
Twilio Ireland Limited: 01642 053
Vectone Mobile Limited: 01642 934
Verizon UK Limited: 01642 911
Virgin Media Limited: 01642 947 01642 73 01642 35 01642 64 01642 18 01642 65 01642 83 01642 19 01642 745 01642 86 01642 746 01642 80 01642 27 01642 87 01642 28 01642 88 01642 29 01642 89 01642 50 01642 51 01642 944
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): 01642 38 01642 33 01642 34 01642 682 01642 910 01642 420 01642 741 01642 842 01642 916
Voiceflex Limited: 01642 917
VoiceHost Limited: 01642 686
VoIP-Un Limited: 01642 841
Vonage Business Limited: 01642 687
Voxbone SA: 01642 799 01642 843
Wifinity Limited: 01642 928
Windsor Telecom Ltd: 01642 954
YayYay Limited: 01642 040
Ziron Limited: 01642 970

This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.