01772 Area Code


Area Code 01772 covers Preston and the surrounding area.

The majority of numbers in the 01772 Area Code belong to normal landlines in Preston, but it is possible that these numbers are being used elsewhere as virtual numbers.

There are multiple telephone companies operating in the 01772 Area Code and they are allocated blocks of numbers, which can be identified by the digits following the Area Code. If you would like to see more information about the telephone company for a specific number (or number range) then please search again with additional digits.

01772 area code information

Area Code: 01772
Location: Preston
Call Costs: Normal landline rate
Area code required for local calls: No
Local number length: 6
Number format: 01772 ######
International number format: +44 1772 ######
Last code change: April 1995 from 0772.

Active providers and their dialing codes for area code 01772

(AQ) LIMITED: 01772 441
Andrews & Arnold (Numbers) Ltd: 01772 592
API Telecom Limited: 01772 938
AQL Wholesale Ltd: 01772 342 01772 367
Barritel Limited: 01772 581
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA: 01772 660
BT: 01772 641 01772 865 01772 893 01772 402 01772 651 01772 667 01772 266 01772 72 01772 772 01772 319 01772 566 01772 642 01772 866 01772 894 01772 403 01772 652 01772 232 01772 42 01772 668 01772 268 01772 73 01772 773 01772 32 01772 567 01772 81 01772 849 01772 643 01772 867 01772 895 01772 405 01772 653 01772 233 01772 430 01772 74 01772 774 01772 33 01772 568 01772 821 01772 851 01772 868 01772 896 01772 406 01772 654 01772 234 01772 431 01772 67 01772 270 01772 750 01772 775 01772 822 01772 356 01772 852 01772 870 01772 158 01772 391 01772 897 01772 216 01772 407 01772 655 01772 235 01772 432 01772 681 01772 271 01772 751 01772 776 01772 823 01772 853 01772 200 01772 392 01772 898 01772 408 01772 236 01772 433 01772 682 01772 272 01772 45 01772 752 01772 777 01772 824 01772 854 01772 872 01772 201 01772 899 01772 409 01772 237 01772 434 01772 683 01772 753 01772 53 01772 779 01772 825 01772 60 01772 855 01772 202 01772 410 01772 658 01772 238 01772 435 01772 684 01772 276 01772 310 01772 78 01772 827 01772 61 01772 856 01772 203 01772 395 01772 411 01772 239 01772 436 01772 685 01772 953 01772 277 01772 971 01772 311 01772 01
Buzz Networks Limited: 01772 439
Calltracks Limited: 01772 01 01772 950 01772 912 01772 845
Ccpro Solutions Limited: 01772 873
Chess Limited: 01772 588
Colt Technology Services: 01772 920 01772 984 01772 374 01772 925 01772 952 01772 504
Content Guru Limited: 01772 303
Core Telecom Limited: 01772 871
Daisy Communications Ltd: 01772 24
DIDWW Ireland Limited: 01772 231
Digital Space Group Limited: 01772 362 01772 210
DRD Communications Limited: 01772 807
Entanet International Ltd: 01772 964
EVE CONNECT LTD: 01772 969
FleXtel Limited: 01772 809
Fuse 2 Communications Ltd: 01772 398
Gamma Telecom Holdings Limited: 01772 419 01772 963 01772 595 01772 669 01772 269 01772 965 01772 509 01772 598 01772 376 01772 968 01772 377 01772 754 01772 540 01772 584 01772 910 01772 585 01772 756 01772 757 01772 347 01772 28 01772 501 01772 758 01772 348 01772 957 01772 349 01772 958 01772 503 01772 418 01772 808
Gci Network Solutions Limited: 01772 981 01772 507 01772 508 01772 307 01772 394 01772 926 01772 911 01772 878 01772 980
GTT-EMEA LTD: 01772 805
Hello Telecom (UK) Limited: 01772 923
Hyperoptic Ltd: 01772 951
I.T Communications Limited: 01772 656
ICC Networks Ltd: 01772 931
ICUK Computing Services Limited: 01772 357
Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone): 01772 369
Infinity Tracking Ltd: 01772 340 01772 341
Internexus Networks Limited: 01772 921
Invade International Ltd: 01772 361
Invoco Ltd: 01772 393
Invosys Limited: 01772 650
IOVOX Limited: 01772 937 01772 913
Kalnet4U Ltd: 01772 382
KCOM Group Ltd: 01772 506
Liquid 11 Limited: 01772 657
Localphone Limited: 01772 219
Lumen Technologies UK Limited: 01772 593 01772 442 01772 443 01772 444
Magrathea Telecommunications Limited: 01772 970 01772 972 01772 364 01772 502 01772 977 01772 978
Media Hawk Ltd: 01772 308 01772 961
Mintaka Limited: 01772 955
Net-Work Internet Ltd: 01772 445
New Call Telecom Limited: 01772 589
Nexbridge Communications Limited: 01772 924
Nodemax Limited: 01772 365
Number Services Ltd.: 01772 959
Numbergroup Utilities Ltd: 01772 659
Numbers Plus Ltd: 01772 388
Nuso Cloud UK Limited: 01772 591
Orange Business Holdings UK Limited: 01772 934
Redcentric Solutions Limited: 01772 542 01772 549
Redwood Technologies Ltd: 01772 399
Resilient PLC: 01772 449
Served Up Limited: 01772 918 01772 919 01772 916 01772 917
Simwood eSMS Limited: 01772 846
SiPalto Ltd: 01772 582
Six Degrees Technology Group Limited: 01772 806
Sky UK Limited: 01772 387 01772 304 01772 983 01772 389 01772 373 01772 448 01772 597 01772 929 01772 755 01772 345 01772 586 01772 381 01772 397 01772 803 01772 224 01772 932 01772 383 01772 879 01772 207 01772 384 01772 300 01772 385 01772 936 01772 302 01772 370 01772 640
Spitfire Network Services Limited: 01772 447
Syntec Limited: 01772 390
TalkTalk Communications Limited: 01772 962 01772 371 01772 446 01772 372 01772 305 01772 375 01772 273 01772 378 01772 379 01772 875 01772 396 01772 930 01772 437 01772 587 01772 914 01772 933 01772 301 01772 386
Telappliant Limited: 01772 967
Telecom2 Limited: 01772 363
Telecoms World PLC: 01772 599
TelNG Limited: 01772 218
TGL Services (UK) Ltd: 01772 353 01772 354 01772 358 01772 350 01772 351 01772 352
TTNC Limited: 01772 804
Twilio Ireland Limited: 01772 211
Vectone Mobile Limited: 01772 596
Verizon UK Limited: 01772 94 01772 940 01772 941
Virgin Media Limited: 01772 214 01772 14 01772 215 01772 51 01772 52 01772 46 01772 90 01772 49
Vodafone Ltd (C&W): 01772 213 01772 306 01772 577 01772 578 01772 309 01772 343 01772 47 01772 344 01772 220 01772 48 01772 380 01772 221 01772 83 01772 223 01772 225 01772 226 01772 229
Voiceflex Limited: 01772 440 01772 505
VoiceHost Limited: 01772 802
VoIP-Un Limited: 01772 366
Vonage Business Limited: 01772 217
Voxbone SA: 01772 974 01772 368
Windsor Telecom Ltd: 01772 876
YayYay Limited: 01772 915
Ziron Limited: 01772 414 01772 935

This page was last updated on 23 January 2021.